
The Kazungula Bridge to be commissioned

The Kazungula Bridge, a 923-metre-long and 18.5-metre-wide road and rail bridge that connects Zambia and Botswana by crossing the Zambezi at the small border town of Kazungula in Zambia’s Southern Province, is finally set to be opened to the public. According to the Zambian Daily Mail, Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu and Botswana’s President Mokgweetsi Masisi are expected to commission the Kazungula Bridge project on 10 May 2021. The construction of the Bridge officially began on 12 October 2014 was due to be completed by 2020. The official opening has since been delayed several times due to various reasons.

Kazungula Bridge
Construction of Kazungula Bridge

Once the Bridge is open to the public, travellers will be able to travel between Victoria Falls Town, Livingstone and the iconic Chobe National Park in Botswana in just about one +/- hour!

For flights and accommodation in both Livingstone, Victoria Falls Town and Chobe National Park, please CONTACT US.

Source: Zambia Dailymail